Understanding Cart Path Only Traffic On The Golf Course
The three words that every golfer doesn’t want to see, “Cart Path Only”. Why does the golf course implement these rules that may slow down play?
We implement these rules for a few reasons, the main reason is because the golf course is too wet to accommodate golf carts.
A golfer’s perspective may see it as their cart won’t inflict much damage on the course, but one golf cart quickly turns into all golfers thinking the same way. This leads to many golf carts driving in the same area which creates wear and damage. When grass is saturated it is prone to ruts, damage and excess compaction, which grass can’t recuperate from. This is especially noticed on the Ridge course which only has a few entrance and exit points on certain holes. A clear example of wear is on 4, and 10 Ridge. Other problem areas are funnels that all traffic will naturally use, an example of this is 13 Ridge, where everyone travels up the middle of the fairway. This leads to poor conditions due to compaction.
Cart Path only is also utilized during shoulder season play. We do this during shoulder season because grass is still dormant and will not recuperate from the heavy traffic because it is not capable of recuperating. By the time grass is ready to recuperate these areas are already compact, and grass recovery is minimal.
Safety is also a concern during wet times. Golf carts are not made for traction and are prone to slippage which could lead to sliding down a hill and an accident. We want golfers to enjoy their round, and play at pace, but not at the cost of safety.
The most common rule at Predator Ridge is a 90 degree rule. Carts are to proceed on the pathways until the point where the golfers ball is reached. The cart can then depart from the path to go over to the ball. After the shot is played the cart should proceed back to the pathway and travel on the path to the next point where the ball lies, and proceed to the shot in the same manner. Impact on the turf will be minimized by following this procedure.
When you are golfing and the player assistant tells you that it is “cart path only”, please adhere to the rules. This will ensure that the golf course will stay in excellent condition year round, because we are not creating problem areas. If you do notice an area that does have “thin grass” please “scatter” the carts when leaving or returning to the path and limit the traffic in those areas. This will give the grass time to recuperate so that area can be utilized in the future.
Written by: Michael Long | Predator Ridge Golf Course Superintendent